Nyt lækkert egetræsskilt, lavet til "Jord Naturgård" i Torup. Et ca 60 cm langt skilt, sirligt udskåret i stenhårdt aldret genanvendt egetræ. Den flotte egeplanke er fundet nede i Veksø, hos nu afdøde Bjørn. Den har ligget ude i vejret i måske tyve år, er blevet "vejrbidt" så smukt som kun egetræ kan blive det. Overfladen ligner på det nærmeste "JORD", og 2mm under det vejrbidte lag, er det fineste sunde egetræ eksponeret ved hjælp af skarpe stemmejern og tålmodig skære-glæde.
Woman Oak Sculpture Carving
New painting called: "Circles"
I have been fascinated by the striking red color of the cardinal birds, I saw while visiting Hawaii a few years ago. Recently I finished this painting. It has a little gathering of cardinal birds, I have given it the name "Circles' - in the many meanings of the word. The painting is about summer, the time of the year where everything grows, the birds sings uttermost, and there is maximum activity in nature. Sebastian bought it and it is now hanging beautifully in his conservatory.
The painting is made with acrylic and oil colors on a shaped piece of danish grown Western Red Cedar wood. It measures 23 inches X 32 inches X 2,5 inches
Så blev det endeligt færdigt - maleriet med de røde Cardinalfugle. "Circles" hedder billedet - i ordets mange betydninger. Sebastian Nybo har købt billedet. Jeg er sikker på at det har fået en hjertelig velkomst i Sebastians hjem.
Det er et billede der handler om sommer - den tid på året hvor planterne gror og gror, fuglene synger og alt er maksimalt aktivt i naturen.
Billedet måler 57 cm i højden, 80 cm i bredden og 6 cm i dybden. Det er malet på et afrundet stykke thujatræ.
" Upside Down, Round and Round"
This painting was started a few years while I was spending a winter in Hawaii. A beautiful dead Cardinal bird - hit by a car and laying dead on the side of the road - inspired me to paint. Now the painting is done. I am calling it: "Upside Down, Round and Round".
Acrylic on canvas, 76cm X 61cm ( 30" X 24"), 2017
Save the Arctic
101 Kunstnere 2016
Here is my page in the book:
I "Familiejournalen" denne uge / Small article in weekly magazine
ZigZag Wood Relief
Making a ZigZag wall piece
January 25, 2016
After having found the perfect piece of Ponderosa pine in the firewood pile, this is how I start a Zigzag wall piece. With an axe working my way in to a square piece of wood.